Wednesday 12 November 2014

Shadows and Character Tests

One of the problems I have left to figure out with my project is how I am going to tackle the characters and the shadows.
The shadows are going to be a problem because they are a dead giveaway that my world is made in CG and so I am going to have to try and figure out a way to give them that same sketchy look that my objects will have.
At the moment though I'm just going to look at the problem of the character. I have done a few texturing tests and I think I'm getting close to what I want but I haven't quite achieved it yet. Using a character I modeled from a previous project I tried pen on white paper by itself and with a toon shared, and I don't think either of those was anything close to what I want.

I then went into photoshop and played around with the texture and using the alpha channel to give the texture some transparency which I feel has come a lot closer to what I want. Also to get a better idea of where the toon lines on the model were I made them blue on one of the renders. However because the character I used is quite high resolution I think it doesn't quite work. So the next stage is going to be modelling the simple character that I will be using and then try out the texturing again.

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