Friday, 22 February 2013

Creative Partnership

From Sam to Kym
-You are right about the dresses - they are all lovely! I suppose number 6 should be a good choice, though in my opinion all of them should work just fine. As for the girl - be careful! Faces are tricky to design! I'd recommend LOTS of influential and inspirational pictures just to get sure what you are looking for in the design of the girl : D Good luck! Can't wait to see more : )
-I really like the last one! It really gives the feeling of solitude and loneliness on
- I really like the house, both interior and exterior. Are you going to paint them digitally? If yes, then is the house going to be all dark, old and scary inside? I can see it with ripped off wallpaper, spider web etc :D Good job anyway, these look nice!
- Wow, these are really clean clean and neat! Cool stuff :D, the pre-viz movment is going to look so funny :DDD

From Kym to Sam
-I like number 2 has really expressive eyes and I like his head shape a bit more than 3 :)
-I really like number 1, he has such a cheeky grin on his face :P
I quite like idea number 2 and 5, number 2 has a lot you could expand on and play around with, and number 5 I think could be really interesting, you might just have to make the story a bit simpler to fit into 1 minute :)

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